Eckhart Public Library’s summer program, Read. Do. Explore, is in full swing with their fun theme, Imagine Your Story! Each day through July 25, participants can join us for fun virtual programs, hunts around Union Township, and chances at awesome grand prizes! To learn more or get started, visit epl.lib.in.us/rde

Events this week:
EckhartQuest – The adventurous minds of EPL bring you EckhartQuest: a fantasy-themed scavenger hunt throughout Union Township! Can you find all five elements hidden in our domain? Using a map, your curiosity, hints and riddles hidden in books, and your iron will, you will seek Sapphire, Ruby, Emerald, Pearl, and Opal elements hidden. What green groves, watery realms, shadowed haunts, or stoic plazas might you discover along the way? EckhartQuest brings together community partners to challenge your determination, knowledge, exploration, and skill! Visit epl.lib.in.us/eckhartquest to get started! All Summer Long, Union Township.
Babies & Books Storytime to Go Bags – This fun bag will contain manipulatives for our youngest library friends that will correspond with the folk tale storytime from last week This bag will feature an item from The Three Little Pigs story! Monday, June 8, Pick up begins at 9 a.m., Main Library.
Imagination to Go Bags – Imagination to Go bags for our youngest library friends will have all the necessary supplies for an activity or two tied to the fairytale or folk tale shared last week. Even if you can’t catch the video online, this is a fun way to get involved! This bag will feature an item from our Stone Soup story! Monday, June 8, Pick up begins at 9 a.m., Main Library.
Babies & Books Storytime – These storytime sessions are geared toward babies and toddlers 0-2 years and their caregivers. We will be retelling some familiar folk tales using the felt board and adding songs, rhymes, and movement activities to complete the storytime sessions. Today we’ll be telling the story of Jack and the Beanstalk! Wednesday, June 10, 10 a.m., Eckhart Public Library Facebook Page.
Learning STEAM, Wherever You Are – Explore the concepts of science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics with Emma and Zach! We’ll meet each week to discuss a different aspect of STEAM, as well as an activity for you to do from home. This week’s theme is exploring the definition of technology (which isn’t just computers)! Wednesday, June 10, 4 p.m., Eckhart Public Library Facebook Page.
Imagine Your Storytime: a Family Storytime – Virtual storytimes for families, aimed at preschool and younger elementary children. Each week we will explore a new folk tale. Today, we’ll discuss the story of Little Red Hen! Wednesday, June 10, 7 p.m., Eckhart Public Library Facebook Page.
Kids in the Kitchen Online – An online activity kids and their families can do at home, with recipes provided in each video post. Today we’ll be making Fruit Piroshki from Russia. Thursday, June 11, 11 a.m., Eckhart Public Library Facebook Page.
Brews+Books Book Club – Love an interesting read, great company, and a refreshing beer? Be sure to join us at brews+books book club the second Thursday of each month from 6-7 p.m.. We’ll be discussing “The Year We Left Home” by Jean Thompson. Eckhart Public Library was chosen as a recipient for the One State/One Story Community Read program, which invites Hoosiers to read this book as part of the Indiana Humanities’ INseperable initiative. We’ll be discussing the real and perceived differences between rural, suburban, and urban areas, as well as what “home” really is. Thursday, June 11, 6 p.m., Eckhart Public Library Zoom Meeting (more information on Brews+Books Facebook Event Page).