Hours & Locations
Eckhart Public Library's Campus is made up of four buildings and an educational, outdoor park.
Main Library

Monday - Friday
9 am - 7 pm
9 am - 3 pm
603 S. Jackson St.
Auburn, IN 46706
Teen Library

Monday - Friday
3:30 pm - 7 pm
12 pm - 3 pm
On days that DeKalb Central Schools have previously scheduled to be closed, The Teen Library will open at noon.
Example: The Teen Library opens at noon during Spring Break but not for weather related closures.
705 S. Jackson St.
Auburn, IN 46706
William H. Willennar Genealogy Center

Monday - Tuesday
9 am - 7 pm
By Appointment
9 am - 5 pm
By Appointment
9 am - 12 pm
700 S. Jackson St.
Auburn, IN 46706
Willennar Administrative Annex

The Willennar Admin Annex is not generally open to the public. It is used for Friends' Book Sales and a drop off location for donation, and curbside pick-ups. The external book drop is also located in the alley next to the Administrative Annex.
212 W. 12th St.
Auburn, IN 46706
Can't make it? We're here for you.
Home Delivery
Home delivery of library materials go out every other Friday to those signed up for the program. This is contact free program available for our library patrons and partners.
Curbside Pickup
Items can be picked up and returned curbside using our curbside lockers located at our Administrative Annex. Curbside pickup is available 24 hours a day!
Need help?
If you need library services, but you don't know what to do, let us know. We are here for you and want to help. Give us a call, email, or send us a message on social media. We are more than happy to talk to you and match you with the best service to fit your needs.